
I have been thinking about blogging since a really long time. But every time I thought about topics to pen down, I would get skeptical whether or not it was going to be informative or useful to anyone, or even interesting to read for that matter. I always wanted to pick one theme and then blog about topics revolving around that theme. I had a few options in mind (paintings, restaurant reviews, traveling), but could not finalize on one. I realized that I may not have enough to blog on one theme, so here’s my attempt at combining them all and providing the readers some useful information. Hope you enjoy this walkthrough of my memories!

Suggestions and feedback are welcome πŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Prutha,

    How are you? Just started reading your blog…you have some really interesting posts here! Love ur art work…well, I knew u were always good at it… πŸ™‚

    Good Luck and Keep Bloggin!



  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog and following. Gave me a chance to look through yours and guess what- we have the same theme! Planning to read some of your posts in the coming weeks.


  3. Hi Prutha Bhabhi!
    I finally got around to finding your blog, and now, cannot stop reading even though it’s finals week!
    Hope you and Sulu Bhai are doing great. Please give N an extra hug from me today! πŸ™‚


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