Art & Crafts

Latch Hook Art

Ever since I was a kid, I have tried to create a variety of art and craft projects. I was drawn to painting primarily, but my mother encouraged me to try my hand at other arts as well. There was one summer when I wanted to try a different form of painting and she took me to an art teacher who created latch hook frames and rugs. The latch hook frames were quite intriguing and I somehow ended up signing up for the latch hook art class. First of all, for all of you who are wondering what latch hook art means, here’s a quick definition from eHow:

Latch hooking is the technique of pulling short pieces of yarn through a canvas or mesh with a hook that latches. Latch hooking is a rug-making technique used to make wall hangings and other accessories.

If you interested in knowing more about latch hook art, here’s the link to the article: Definition of Latch Hooking |

Latch Hook Art Wall Frame

Although the latch hook technique could be used to create rugs and throws, I created a wall hanging frame using it. Let me tell you one thing: It’s not at all a difficult art technique to master, but it takes forever to work on huge frames. Literally forever!!! I have only created one latch hook art frame so far and this is by far one of my most precious creations! Precious because it took me more than 2 years to finish off the entire frame and I have never spent so much time behind one art project. And I guess the more time you spend on something, the more you admire it because of all the hard work that goes behind creating it!

Since I made this long time ago, I do not have pictures in progression while the frame was being made, but For those of you wondering how latch hook technique works, here’s a great YouTube video.

If you want to try a different kind of art project at home, get a latch hook tool kit from Michael’s and start with a small canvas frame to create a latch hook throw or frame πŸ™‚

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